Furniture repair

How to repair furniture with Liberon

Furniture repair is easy to achieve with Liberon, a European leader in the manufacture of wood care products. Restore your woodwork to its former glory or add a contemporary edge to an old piece. Whether your furniture has lost its natural lustre or is chipped or scratched in places, Liberon wood repair products are easy to use and come in high performance formulas.


Remove old varnish or paint with Fine Wood Stripper which vill prepare your surface for a new lease of life. The Liberon furniture repair range is kind to wood and requires no heavy scrubbing required, ideal if you are renovating large surfaces such as floors and stairways! Wax and Polish Remover by Liberon is another gentle and fast-acting formula that will help prepare your woodwork for its new finish.


Furniture repair in innovative designs such as the ready-to-use, Wood Filler BP is ideal for filling in cracks and holes and can be covered by any type of wood care or treatment product once dried. Multi-purpose and water-based, the Liberon Wood Filler comes in a variety of wood colours for a truly natural looking result.

Furniture repair: recommendations and creative ideas

Feel free to consult our catalogue for recommendations about use of all Liberon products, our technical sheets will guide you to the perfect finish. Whether you are a beginner or an old-hand at restoration and repair, Liberon has created the Repair, Renovate, Revive Furniture Kit, a collection of wood repair products in a single pack ideal for getting started.


If you would like any further information about Liberon furniture repair products, please contact us.